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International Programs F?r Scholars Essentially th? most popular actions from the Western european (EU) is a establishing ?f university exchange [http://international.fecon.uii.ac.id/ international program]. University exchange programs ?r? programs organized b? specific universities ?nd scheduled in a definite duration of the ?ntir? year. During these programs students ?r professors of numerous countries gather ?nd come together. The m??t typical objective on the university exchange programs is u?u?ll? to spread th? culture ?nd habits one country within ?th?r countries of identical continent (or even countries of countless continents). In addition, folks that participate in that type ?f exchange programs share the information, th? teaching or another professional techniques ??r??? diff?r?nt countries. Socrates may b? the n?m? chosen because ?f the Eu just f?r this general education program. Und?r thi? name, thr?? large programs coexist to the public. Erasmus is the fir?t education program made ?v?il?bl? from th? EU. This system brings school to fifteen EU countries, the ecu Economic Area ?nd ?????i?t?d countries ?f Eastern ?nd Central Europe and Cyprus ?nd Malta. It n??d? t? be noted th?t Erasmus includes considerably more just student exchange [http://international.fecon.uii.ac.id/ international program], e.g. it encourages th? mobility ?f teachers thu? permitting th? sharing of r??l information ?nd teaching techniques ??r??? Europe. Th? Leonardo da Vinci program is also the main Socrates program. It tackles professional education as w?ll ?? the mobility ?f persons in the framework ?f professional internships in companies abroad. Th? EU countries, the European Economic Area as w?ll ?? some countries ?f Eastern Europe could happen in this system. Th? internships h?v? duration of b?tw??n 3 weeks t? 9 months ?nd involve students in professional, technical ?nd scientific areas, young graduates as w?ll ?? those unemployed. Th? Lingua program can b? involved with students studying modern languages ?nd wh? intend to teach. In fact, it has more activities as w?ll as objective is u?u?ll? to promote ?nd let the learning and the diffusion on the official modern languages of the EU, ?????i?t?d countries ?nd countries within the European Economic Area. Notably the language students will go abroad as b?ing an assistant for a period of 3 months to ju?t one academic year in the country from the language they've studied. This program is made of 12 hours ?f classes in the authority in the local professor. In item the ?b?v? mentined programs, there i? the Tempus program, whi?h started in 1993. Tempus has enabled relationships b?tw??n universities to t?k? place. This i? often intended to encourage the comparison plus the convergence better education systems in the participating countries, thanks to a network ?f [http://international.fecon.uii.ac.id/ international program] relations offices. The main ??rt for individuals is a organising ?f university exchange programs within all ?f the countries involved in th? Tempus program.
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