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One of the most important things you could ever learn about writing great articles is to stay on topic. What may sound obvious is actually often overlooked by article writers. The main focus of your article should be to get your point across in the most concise and straight-forward manner possible. You can add humor or other elements according to your writing style but you should stay focused on this specific topic. Why Is It Important? Staying on topic is very important in an [http://anewtale.com/humor.html Funny Writing Advice] one that is published online. The average Internet reader is only going to give you about 3 seconds to grab their interest in an article. If you do manage to grab them for longer than that, you have to keep their attention to the end of the article. Since most articles online are designed to address a concern or problem or to provide information of some sort, the reader probably clicked on your article hoping to receive a specific piece of information. If they do not get what they are looking for, or get it in a specific period of time, they're going to click on and look for it someplace else. Your article title is a promise and it's important you fulfill that promise in the body of [http://anewtale.com/humor.html Humor Writing Tips] How to Stay on Topic Now that you understand what it is important to stay on topic, you need to understand how to do it. It's important to focus on that promise you made in your article title and be sure you fulfill that throughout the entire article. While your creative mind may venture off and think of other points, you don't want to stray from the main focus of this article. Keep those ideas in an article journal or open up a new word processing document and jot them in there but keep them out of the current article if they are not directly relevant. Don't try to just ignore them because for one, you may forget some great ideas and for two, they may keep popping into your mind while you try to write this article. Give these ideas an outlet and then come back to them later. Practical Application Sometimes in article writing, we read tips that sound great but we find it more difficult to put it to practical use. For these tips to work for you, it might be required that you create new habits in your [http://anewtale.com/humor.html Writing Funny]. A good tip for practical application is to create an outline. Include your topic and any main points that support that topic which you need to describe in the article. Then edit your outline and mark out any points that are better served in an article of their own. Now write your article based on this new outline.
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